Rice-Chek I


Several enzymes — primarily lipases, lipoxidases and peroxidases — are involved in both hydrolytic and oxidative rancidity. Thermal inactivation of these enzymes is accomplished by kilning or otherwise heating the rice bran.

Because throughput in modern rice mills is so rapid and the demands for quality products at very competitive prices is so great, there are no margins for error. Rapid tests are needed to evaluate “cook quality” right at the point of sampling in the mill and without any specialized laboratory equipment.

RICE-CHEK I was developed to solve the hydrolytic rancidity part of this challenging stability problem. RICE-CHEK I takes approximately 10 minutes to determine lipase activity. RICE-CHEK I can be made semi-quantitative if the sample is weighed (no balance included in the kit). Rice flavor changes according to time, temperature and moisture variables during processing and RICE-CHEK I can be used to monitor a particular desired “cook point” of minimum hydrolytic rancidity. Thus RICE-CHEK I can be used to establish in-house standards, quality assurance data and for sample comparisons.

We think you and your production and quality assurance staffs will be pleased with the ease and speed of RICE-CHEK I.